On Thursday 27th January, the group finally laid down the raw dialogue for our radio drama ‘Possession’. This process was made easier by the prior radio room induction we had with our tutor to let us know the ins and outs when it came to actually recording. The software we actually used to record the dialogue was ‘Soundtrack Pro’ and we did it in around 16 takes. 16 takes would appear to be alot, but we ironed out every little mistake so the dialogue is near enough perfectly done. It was said that it wasn’t all that important to act well as we weren’t to be marked on the merit of our acting but we put alot of effort into the acting process just to do it well, due to one of the cliche’s that I live by, ‘if you’re going to do something, you may as well do it well’, and hopefully that shows through in the final cut of our radio drama.

The next thing we need to do is consider sound effects and music for the drama as they, like the dialogue, are a very key component when it comes to radio drama, as there is no visual aid, so the sound effects and music need to be good enough to give the listener a perfect view of what’s going on in their imagination.